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Sunny Medical Device (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
Guangdong, China
Produk utama: Perangkat inflasi balon sekali pakai, jarum suntik kontrol, kabel panduan PTFE/hidrofilik, kit konektor Y, garis tekanan
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Pressure Transducer Kit
TR-closure band
Angio-closure Pad
Dispenser for Balloon Catheters Guide Wires 155 cm 175 cm PVC Transparent HDPE PTCA Cardiology & Radiology Accessories
Min. Order: 100 pieces
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Disposable Angiographic Needles Artery Puncutre Needle 18G for Insertion Radial Femoral PTCA Cardiology & Radiology
Min. Order: 100 pieces
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Control Syringe High Pressure Fixed Male Luer 10ml 12 ml Contrast Medium Syringe Cardiology & Radiology Equipment
Min. Order: 100 pieces
Control Syringe Palm Pad High Pressure Rotating Male Luer 10ml 12 ml Contrast Medium Syringe Cardiology & Radiology Equipment
Min. Order: 100 pieces
Y Connector Kit Short Screw Type 8F 9F Haemostatic Valves Transparent Plastic Cardiology & Radiology Equipment
Min. Order: 100 pieces
Disposable Manifold Kit Cardiac Kit 3 Way Valve OFF on Handle 250psi 500 psi PTCA Cardiology & Radiology
Min. Order: 100 pieces
Guide Wires PTFE Coated Stiff J Straight TIP 0.025 0.032 0.035 0.038 X145 cm 260 cm PTCA Cardiology & Radiology & Urology
Min. Order: 100 pieces
Guide Wires PTFE Coated Stiff J TIP 0.025 0.032 0.035 0.038 X145 cm 150 cm PTCA Cardiology & Radiology & Urology
Min. Order: 100 pieces
Hydrophilic Steerable Guide Wire Angle Tip, Straight Tip
Min. Order: 100 pieces
Disposable Manifold and Stopcock Three Way Valve OFF on Handle 250psi 500 psi 2 Ports 3 Ports PTCA Cardiology & Radiology
Min. Order: 100 pieces
3-way Stopcock Low Pressure 400 psi off Handle Blue Transparent
Min. Order: 100 pieces
Disposable Manifold and Stopcock 3 Way Valve OFF on Handle 250psi 500 psi 2 Ports 3 Ports PTCA Cardiology & Radiology
Min. Order: 100 pieces
Disposable Stopcock 3 Way Valve OFF on Handle 500 psi 1200 psi 2 Ports 3 Ports PTCA Cardiology & Radiology
Min. Order: 100 pieces
Joanne Zhang
Una Tao
Bella Tan
Iris Qiu
Kelly Lee
Judy Wu